Our lovely teal beads provide a calm and renewing element to any accessory. Light yet substantial and eye-catching, these beads are suitable for all sorts of cords and strings. There is no end of amazing things to create with this elegant color!
Why Teal?
Teal is a natural midpoint between blue and green, created by mixing blue into a green base. It's an adaptable color that can have many subtle variations in shade: one popular example is the "teal blue" made by increasing the proportion of blue in the mix. The appearance of teal can also be made richer and deeper by blending in small amounts of black or dark grey.
Blue and green are both beloved colors because of their calming and restful effects and it blends the qualities of both. Teal communicates individualism and sophistication while remaining approachable and friendly. It's also a color that manages to be elegant without coming off as pretentious.
Complementary colors include white, gold, various red-purple shades, and darker blues.
What's the Difference Between Teal and Turquoise?
Teal is a bit further towards the green side of the blue-green mix that characterizes both. Since both colors come in a range of shades and since people sometimes have small differences in color perception, the two do sometimes overlap with each other. However, teal is usually perceived as being a bit darker than turquoise.
Teal in Nature
The name "teal" originates from a common type of duck found in many parts of the world. When they are in plumage, these ducks have a distinctive patch on their heads (and sometimes their wings) that was the inspiration for the name. It isn't just for ducks, though! It's often seen in other birds’ plumage, from peacocks to budgies. It's also a very common color for the shells of bird eggs.
Teal also naturally calls to mind the pristine waters of Caribbean beaches and other parts of the ocean. Underwater photography is usually full of shades of the color.
Teal: On Trend
Teal tends to emerge as a trend roughly every 20 to 30 years. It was very popular in home interiors in the 1950s and 1960s, then had another long period of popularity in both decoration and apparel in the 1980s and 1990s. If it was a stock, now would be the time to buy in. It seems to be emerging again, with a number of paint companies (such as PPG) selecting a shade of it as their recent "Color of the Year."
The Modern Significance of Teal
If you’ve ever bought a printer ink cartridge, you might also notice that the color is one of the four primary printing colors. These particular four are used as they are the most efficient way to print the full range of other colors on a white paper background. Teal has also become the symbolic color of ovarian cancer awareness thanks to the T.E.A.L. (Tell Every Amazing Lady) organization, which has an awareness month every September. Finally, it has come to have some strong regional connections thanks to its adoption by various sports teams: major cities that show their pride with teal during sporting seasons include Miami, San Jose, Charlotte, Anaheim, Jacksonville, and Memphis.
Using Teal in Your Jewelry
Teal is a beautiful and eye-catching color without seeming showy or garish and could be the perfect accent (or center) to just about any piece. Come see what we have available today!
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