Intro to the Chakra System + Their Colors
by blog contributor Eryn Johnson
The chakra system is a system of energy in the body that stems from yogic tradition in India. The word chakra means “wheel,” and our chakras are the main energy wheels or disks in our bodies. According to IARP, “Chakras have the loving responsibility of taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels.”
There are many chakras in the body, but there are 7 main ones in yogic tradition and those are the ones we'll focus on here. Keep scrolling to learn all about each chakra, including the colors they are associated with to inspire your next creation!
- The root chakra, Muladhara. The root chakra is the center of safety, home, and security in your body. You can think of it as your body’s support center! It’s associated with the element of Earth and is located at the base of your spine.
Symbol of the Root Chakra from
When this chakra is open, you’re able to feel secure in yourself and in your home. You’re able to connect with a solid foundation and feel safe and cared for. You’re able to feel connected with the Earth and all of its abundance.
When this chakra is blocked, it could result in feeling unsafe, getting too stuck in your ways, having a lot of stuck energy around money and money beliefs, obsession with money and greed, or experiencing a lot of fear.
One of the ways to work with this chakra is to wear red, the color associated with it. Shop red at Woman Shops World here.
The sacral chakra, Svadhisthana. The sacral chakra is the center of creativity, sexuality, and feeling in your body. It’s ruled by the element of water, and it’s located at the center of your low belly about three inches from your navel.

When this chakra is open, you’re able to connect to your emotions (even the unpleasant ones), feel deep pleasure in your life, have health relationships with others, use your creativity, and connect with your sexuality.
Blockages in this chakra could manifest as disconnection from your sexuality or being ruled by your sexuality, feeling uncreative, feeling stuck in a certain feeling or mood, depending on something external to give you pleasure, experiencing a lack of pleasure in your day-to-day life, or being unable to feel your feelings.
One of the ways to work with this chakra is to wear orange, the color associated with it. Shop orange at Woman Shops World here.
- The solar plexus chakra, Manipura. The solar plexus chakra is the center of confidence, motivation, and worth in your body. It’s ruled by the element of fire, and it’s located at the center of your belly right above your navel.
Blockages in this chakra could manifest as stomach issues, feeling powerless or like a victim, questioning your worth and value in the world, feeling anxious and insecure, needing to control and manipulate everything or let others control you, having addictive tendencies, or feeling like you need to give your power away in order to keep the peace.
One of the ways to work with this chakra is to wear yellow, the color associated with it. Shop yellow at Woman Shops World here.
- The heart chakra, Anahata. The heart chakra is the center of giving and receiving unconditional love. It’s ruled by the element of air, and it’s located at the center of your chest.

When this chakra is blocked, it can manifest as critical and negative self-talk, social anxiety, difficulty accepting and/or giving, a lack of trust in relationships, feeling lonely, or struggling to make friends.
One of the ways to work with this chakra is to wear green, the color associated with it. Shop green at Woman Shops World here.
- The throat chakra, Visuddha. The throat chakra is the center of voice, speaking your truth, and setting boundaries. It’s ruled by the element of air, and is located, of course, in the throat.

When this chakra is blocked, it can manifest as always needing to have the last word, struggling to listen to others, having a sore throat or neck pain, not having strong boundaries, not standing up for yourself, holding back from saying what you’re thinking and feeling, or fear of being judged for what you say.
One of the ways to work with this chakra is to wear blue, the color associated with it. Shop blue at Woman Shops World here.
- The third eye chakra, Ajna. The third eye chakra is the center of inner wisdom in your body. It’s located right between the eyes, above the nose.

When your third eye is blocked, it can show up as having trouble sleeping, regular headaches, a lack of imagination, poor memory, feeling confused or anxious about decisions you need to make, or feeling called to meditate and be in silence with yourself.
One of the ways to work with this chakra is to wear indigo, the color associated with it. Shop indigo at Woman Shops World here.
- The crown chakra, Sahasrara. The crown chakra is your center of connection with the Universe and with your highest self. It’s the highest of your seven chakras.

When this chakra is blocked, it can show up as feeling disconnected from magic and from the Universe, feeling like life is meaningless, disconnection from your spiritual self, experiencing migraines, strong attachment to material achievements and possessions, or experiencing loneliness.
One of the ways to work with this chakra is to wear purple, the color associated with it. Shop purple at Woman Shops World here.
If you're interested in creating to support all of your chakras, consider making tassel jewelry with our Chakra tassel pack!
Shop our Chakra Tassel Pack
Want to create your own chakra magic? Download The Art of Mala Making today!
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