10 Ways to Stay Creative & Mentally Healthy while Social Distancing
by Sandra Evans & Carter Seibels
These past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions, with rising health concerns and adjusting to a strange new way of life. Social distancing is vital to "flattening the curve" of COVID-19, in order to reduce the effect this pandemic is having on humanity and life as we know it. As necessary as this is, by nature we are social beings and creatures of habit, so isolation and changes to routine can be extremely difficult to cope with.
Now more than ever, people are turning to creatives for entertainment and guidance in coping with difficult emotions. Historically, in difficult times, people turn to music, literature, or other creative forms for comfort and understanding. And logically so, as creative outlets help us tap into emotions and experiences that seem impossible to put into words.
The WomanShopsWorld family aspires to uplift others, through our words and our work. Like many of you, we draw creative inspiration from the world and through our experiences. Unfortunately, being in self quarantine limits access to inspiring elements, but this just means we need to dig a little deeper and reach a little further for that elusive yet ubiquitous inspiration.
We created a list to turn to in the moments we feel overwhelmed by the challenges of social distancing and wanted to share it with you, our fellow creatives. It is our hope that you'll find a new way to stay creatively inspired & mentally healthy during self quarantine.
Meditate & Music
Take time to focus on your breath and clear your mind. Even a few moments of mindfulness can be plenty to reset. This gives you more brain power to create and/or creatively solve any problems that arise throughout the day.
✌🏽Sandra loves the Calm app to help find her zen. The guided meditations make it easy to slip into a peaceful state of mind, anywhere.
🙏🏻Carter has been listening to OM Chanting playlist on Spotify a lot, in the background. The soothing repetition of the chanting really levels up feelings of calm in her life.
Garden or Plan your Garden
Get some fresh air with this one! What a perfect time to be outside, soak up some sunshine and get your hands dirty (just make sure you wash them really well afterwards 😉). If you didn't get to the nursery or plant store before the quarantine started, or you're in an area where it's still too cold and wintry, you can take some time to plan out your garden! Take some inspiration from garden shops, blogs or Pinterest. Here's our Pinterest Garden Board if you're looking for some inspo!
🌵Carter & family visited Plants for the Southwest while in Tucson last month, and they're eager to get some succulents and cacti into their garden. Here's a picture she took, that has also been added to her vision board:
Make friendship bracelets.
Craft a pair (or set) of matching bracelets, keep one and mail the other(s) to friends or family that you're not able to see in person. This lets loved ones know you're thinking of them and will lift both of your spirits by being more connected. Being separated from people you see regularly is disheartening, so it's vital that we connect in new ways to avoid total isolation.
Virtually Create or Co-Work
Lots of business have turned to virtually work over the past few years, as it's a great way to reduce overheads and give employees freedom. Now that so many people are isolated, virtually co-working is a great way to have some non-physical interaction.
Maybe you and a crafty friend can meet over Facetime and have some creative time together, do a yoga flow together, or share what you're working on.Image credit: Jennifer Lachs, https://www.theoffbeatlife.com/virtual-coworking/
You don't need to go to a germy gym to boost endorphins and feel good! Go for a walk, run, bike ride or follow a fitness class online. Our go-to Apps for home workouts are Down Dog App, and Yoga Glo. Both have a variety of exercise styles, so you can mix a little zen into your sweat sessions!
And for an added social boost, FaceTime with a friend and you can both do the same workout together!
Have a dance party
Crank up the tunes and dance like no one's watching, because they literally aren't close enough to! Just like exercise, dancing gives you a dose of dopamine to help you feel happier. Also, music has a therapeutic element that has the power to inspire, calm, energize, motivate or relax you!
Sandra has been solo at the studio this week, while we socially distance, so she's been having daily dance parties while she packs orders and holds down the fort! 💃
Carter and family are looking forward to the streaming live music session tonight by their favorite artist Trevor Hall.
Use your noggin.
After you exercise your body, work out your mind and explore that subject you've been meaning to learn more about. There are sooooo many free classes available online, for kids and adults, so take advantage of your newfound free time and get learning!
Play a Game.
If you're home alone, make good use of technology and play a game via video chat!
Our favorite is playing the Heads Up! phone app, while chatting on a computer/tablet. Other video chat friendly games are Truth or Dare, Never Have I Ever, & Charades.
Stuck at home with kids? Candy Land is Carter and Jai's current favorite. Carter says that seeing the pieces instantly took her back to being a child again, and what a good feeling that can be!
Host a Virtual Movie Night.
Once you're sick of binge-watching solo, host a virtual movie night with friends or family. NetflixParty lets groups sync up their playback and chat in real time. It's the perfect way to watch a movie with friends, while in self quarantine! If you don't have an account, take advantage of the FREE 30 day offer or ask a friend to share!
Make a Vision Board.
Focusing on the future is a great creative outlet, that also offers an escape from the stress of today. The WSW Team makes a new vision board once a year, and then we update them as our goals shift. If vision boarding is new to you, our friends at Bloom Planners offer an excellent how-to on their blog.
Play Dress Up.
Go ahead, get all dressed up, even with nowhere to go! Throw on your favorite outfit, a fabulous pair of tassel earrings, a bold lipstick, etc. Wearing special items sparks joy, and who couldn't use an extra dose of joy these days?!
Our friend Hugette over at Disfunkshion Mag, calls her bright and whimsical style "dressing like a pinata." When asked why she likes to dress up in such wild and pinata-esque fashion, she answered, "The reason I share these colors, patterns and outfits I love is because like myself, I know many of you other creative women find joy and stimulation in visuals that can transport you somewhere. Somewhere wild, somewhere light, somewhere limitless!"

We know things feel dire right now, but we believe better days coming and that we'll emerge from these strange times stronger than ever. It is our hope that you'll join us in staying creatively charged and continuing to “Live Colorfully” during this difficult time.
Sending love & light to those who are sick, as well as health workers and caregivers. Stay healthy, friends.
For more social distancing inspiration, be sure to follow our Pinterest Board!
Namaste ~
The WSW team
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